Red currant

Origin: The variety was bred in Slovakia from the cross of the varieties "Jonkheer van Tets" x "Heinemans Rote Spatlese". It has been entered in the COBORU Variety Register in 1990.
Shrub: "Detvan’s shrubs grow strongly or medium strongly, have compact habit and medium density. The skeletal shoots sprouting from the carp are simple and long, usually medium thick. Perennial shoots are quite thick, branched, medium thickened, with a large number of short shoots. Buds are rather medium-sized, conical, with numerous scales, slightly protruding from the shoots. Leaves are characteristic, i.e. large and medium-sized, vividly green, the edge of the leaf blade slightly rolled up. Medium-sized flowers, very self-fertile. Inflorescences of medium length and long, quite loose. Grape are medium length and long, usually thin.
Fruits: The fruits of this variety are large and very large, comparable size, dark red, ripen fairly evenly, does not happen to easily fall off or break after ripening on the bush. Fruits have a good consistency flesh: juicy and sweet-sour. They are suitable for fresh consumption and for further processing. Grapes with an average length of more than 9-10 cm. The Grape usually contain about 22 berries with a diameter of 10 mm.
Harvest maturity: "Detvan" is a variety of the medium-late ripening period, the fruits ripen at a similar time or a few days before the "Rolan" variety. The variety is characterized by a very high harvesting potential, average yields of up to 5-7 kg from one shrub!
Diseases susceptibility: Plants are quite resistant to fungal diseases that cause premature leaf fall, show little sensitivity to powdery mildew.
Usefulness of the variety: The fruits can be used as dessert in the production of sausages and under covers, as well as for processing for the production of compotes, syrups and jams, etc. Due to the high resistance to disease, it is recommended for amateur and commercial plantings. On the Polish market, it is gradually gaining popularity, while it is widely grown in other countries of the European Union, its usefulness for mechanical harvesting on both domestic and foreign plantations has also been positively tested.

Pochodzenie: Jest to stara odmiana holenderska(pomimo swojego wieku, wciąż przez wielu plantatorów uważana za najlepszy wariant dostępny na rynku porzeczki czerwonej) wyhodowana około 1931 roku! Pochodzenie tej odmiany to krzyżówka: "Paya Płodna" x "Scotch". Została wpisana do Rejestru Odmian COBORU w roku 1990.
Krzew: Krzew rośnie silnie i bardzo silnie, wytwarza znaczną ilość długich pędów jednorocznych. Pokrój młodych krzewów wzniosły, smukły, a starszych – rozłożysty, luźny. Pędy średniej grubości, silnie rozgałęzione, z dużą liczbą krótkopędów. Pąki małe, szeroko stożkowate, pokryte licznymi łuskami, delikatnie odstające od pędu. Liście są małe średniej wielkości, barwy ciemnozielonej, dosyć grube oraz skórzaste. Wytwarzane kwiatostany są długie i bardzo długie, dosyć luźne.
Owoce: Grona długie, o gęsto rozmieszczonych jagodach. Jagody bardzo duże, kuliste, ciemne, wiśniowoczerwone, z lekko sterczącymi resztkami okwiatu.
Dojrzałość zbiorcza: "Jonkheer" dojrzałość zbiorczą osiąga bardzo wcześnie, tj. na przełomie Czerwca i Lipca. Odmiana ta charakteryzuję się ogromnym potencjałem plonowania, we wszystkich latach owocowania.
Wrażliwość na choroby:
Przydatność odmiany:

Origin: The variety was bred in the Czech Republic from the cross of "Chenonceaux" x "Vierlandenský" varieties, and entered in the register in 1985.
Shrub: "Losan’s shrubs grow medium or medium strongly. This variety is characterized by very stiff shoots, dark green leaves of medium size. In this case, parameters very similar to the "Detvan" variety.
Fruits: The grapes are of medium length (about 8-10cm), usually 8-10 berries (10-12mm size) are larger and the rest smaller in one grape, which are gathered in bunches, which affects quite unfavorable adaptation to the manual collection. The fruit has a deep red color with a sweet-sour aroma. They are used mainly for the production of juices - thanks to high yield (86.2%) of color. The weight of 100 fruits equals about 75 grams, or about 15 gram more than the "Rondom" variety. It contains a standard amount of all sugars, i.e. about 8%, as well as 415mg of vitamin C.
Harvest maturity: Fruits of this variety ripens medium-early, evenly and does not fall off prematurely. Losan yielding very abundantly especially in years when there is a lot of moisture right after flowering. The best productivity starts about 4 years after planting, then the high yield is regular.
Diseases susceptibility: Plants are resistant to fungal diseases that cause premature leaf fall, show little susceptibility to powdery mildew.
Usefulness of the variety: Overall assessment: this variety is suitable both for large-scale cultivation and in the garden. Fruit characterized by high quality, especially in the processing. It does not require special land requirements. Many planters praise this variety, thanks to the excellent adaptation to the climate of Poland, among others, the resistance to high temperatures and the lack of the phenomenon of leaking fruit after collecting from the bush is valued. Thanks to good adaptation to the climate conditions, as well as resistance to the most important diseases, the "Losan" variety has allowed to obtain high and satisfactory crops, even above 22.5 t per hectare.
Dojrzałość zbiorcza:
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Przydatność odmiany:

Pochodzenie: Jest to kolejna odmiana spośród holenderskich, posiadająca rodowód: "Fay's Prolific" x "Heinemann's Rote Spatlese". Pojawiła sie w nasadzeniach badawczych Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa w Skierniewicach około 1997 roku. W Rejestrze Odmian COBORU widnieje od 2003 roku. Jednak dopiero teraz zdobywa największą popularność i uznanie wśród rodzimych producentów i przetwórców.
Krzew: Rośnie dosyć silnie. Pokrój rozłożysty. Liście duże, ciemnozielone, pięcioklapowe, w zarysie okrągławe
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